Retreat Description
In a world of change and unpredictability, in times that often feel chaotic and confusing, where do we look for ease and security? Often, in our search for a dependable refuge, we can mistakenly turn to that which is essentially unreliable and unable to provide the stability we seek.
Insight (or vipassana) meditation is the simple, direct observation of the mind/body process with relaxed, open and careful attention. As we connect with our experience from a place of spacious stillness and steadiness, we learn to meet the changing conditions we encounter with greater ease and balance of mind. As our understanding deepens, equanimity in the face of change grows, and we discover a refuge that is to a great extent independent of life’s changing conditions.
What you can expect:
Even though we will not be together in person, the virtual format includes as many elements of the in-person retreat schedule as possible. This includes guided meditation and instructions, evening Dharma talks, teacher led chanting, and individual practice meetings with the teacher.
The retreat will be hosted through Zoom. Participants are encouraged to use the video option through a computer to simulate as closely as possible in-person participation.
The morning instructions and Dharma talks will be recorded and made available to retreat participants.
Registration Fee: $100.00
About the Fee
The amount is a cost recovery of administrative fees for online delivery (eg. Zoom, Paypal, website maintenance etc.). The teacher's fee is collected as a donation (Dana) from participants for the support and well-being of our teacher. The Dharma Retreats' Board of Directors volunteer their time to organise retreats, receive no remuneration, and pay the same registration fee as everyone else.
About Dana
Dana follows a 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition, were teachers offer retreats free of charge. Instead, they are supported by voluntary donations from their students. The dana provided by the registration fee is modest for what our teacher provide.