Dharma Seed (website with many downloadable talks & guided meditations): www.dharmaseed.org
Buddhist Insight Network: www.buddhistinsightnetwork.org
Insight Meditation Society (the “Mother Ship” for Vipassana Meditation in North America), in Barre, MA: www.dharma.org
Spirit Rock (closely affiliated with IMS above), in California: www.spiritrock.org
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center, in Cambridge, MA: cambridgeinsight.org
True North Insight Meditation Centre (retreats in Ottawa, Montreal & Guelph): www.truenorthinsight.org
Insight Meditation Retreats (Norman Feldman & Molly Swan in Guelph): www.insightmeditationretreats.ca
Tisarana Buddhist Monastery (near Perth, Ontario): www.tisarana.ca
The Centre for Mindfulness Studies (Toronto): www.mindfulnessstudies.com
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies (Barre MA): www.bcbsdharma.org